TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, or the jaw joint. It is made up of the condylar process of the mandible (lower jaw) and the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone (part of the skull base). If you place your fingers just in front of your ears and open your mouth, you can feel the mandibular condyle moving in the joint. These joints are capable of both hinging and sliding movements.
TMD stands for temporomandibular dysfunction and encompasses a range of facial pain conditions that include joint and muscular problems. One of the major problems with TMD is that there is still no consensus on the cause, how to prevent, or how to treat these disorders. Fortunately though, if we pay heed to the quality scientific evidence that is available to us, we can treat these problems successfully. For patients with acute injuries, resting the joint and performing simple treatment will resolve the problem in a short period of time. For others, the problem is chronic and requires more advanced treatment modalities.