Our surgeons and staff are committed to providing the same quality of care following procedures that began during your initial visit. To that end, please refer to some general post-operative guidelines below, and by all means, call at any hour to report any continuing problem. You will also receive written instructions from the surgeon or a staff member after your surgery.
Some degree of discomfort and pain will arise as numbness subsides. At the first sign of pain or discomfort, take the prescribed pain medication. Please make sure you read the directions carefully before taking the medication.
Do not disturb the surgical area. Avoid vigorous chewing, excessive spitting, or rinsing.
Expect minor bleeding or oozing from the operative site. This bleeding may continue throughout the first day. For the first hour, keep firm pressure on the area of surgery by biting on the gauze placed in your mouth at the office. If bleeding persists, continue pressure on fresh gauze for an additional 30-60 minutes.
Limit physical activity during the first 24-48 hours after surgery. Overexertion may lead to postoperative bleeding and discomfort. When you lie down, keep your head elevated on a pillow.
Pain is best controlled by the medication prescribed by the doctor. Do not take pain pills on an empty stomach. Narcotic pain medication such as codeine, oxycodone, or hydrocodone may cause nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, itching or constipation. If these side effects occur, discontinue the medication. You may take an alternative over the counter pain medication as necessary or call our office for assistance. Moderate to severe pain usually does not last longer than 24-48 hours, and there should be no more than slight pain or discomfort after the third day. Persistent pain 3-4 days following oral surgery may be caused by early loss of the blood clot (dry socket) or infection.
Swelling usually develops during the first 12-24 hours following surgery, often increasing on the second day. Swelling can be minimized by wearing an ice pack on the side of your face for 30-45 minutes every hour while you are awake during the first 24 hours following the surgery. Anti-inflammatory medications, such as Motrin or Advil, also help decrease swelling.
Fluid intake is important. We suggest you start with clear carbonated beverages, such as ginger ale, Seven-Up, or Sprite. Once your stomach has settled, you can advance to other fluids such as water, tea, soda, or juices. We suggest avoiding dairy products initially. Also, avoid hot liquids until the numbness has worn off and the bleeding has stopped.
Soft foods and liquids will be required for 24-48 hours following surgery. Avoid hot, spicy foods. DO NOT drink through a straw or smoke (if you do) for at least 48 hours. If you had oral surgery on only one side of the mouth, favor the other side while chewing for the first few days.
Oral hygiene should not be neglected. Brush your teeth as usual and avoid the surgical site. Rinse with warm salt water after each meal beginning gently the day after surgery. Do not brush the surgical area for 4-5 days. All bone graft patients—DO NOT perform mouth rinses for one week.
Take the antibiotics we have prescribed on the specified dosing schedule. It is important to take the antibiotics to completion.
Take any regularly scheduled medication (for diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.) on your regular schedule unless advised to do otherwise.
If you were informed that a sinus communication occurred during surgery, or if you have had some surgery that involved work near your sinuses or in your sinuses, please follow these instructions:
- DO NOT blow your nose.
- DO NOT sneeze through your nose. If the urge to sneeze arises, sneeze with your mouth open.
- DO NOT smoke or use a straw.
- AVOID swimming and strenuous exercise for at least one week.
Bruising may appear on the face during the first few days after surgery. Moist heat application will help reduce bruising.
Side effects such as an ear ache, temporary ache of adjacent teeth, restricted mouth opening, or cracking at the corners of the mouth may occur postoperatively. These are temporary conditions that will improve as healing progresses.
Compliance with these instructions will add to your comfort and hasten your recovery. Be sure to follow these instructions carefully. Should any reaction or complications arise, notify the office immediately at 718-398-1969.